Our marvellous 3rd class members (with a little help from 6th) have been very busy collecting all of your used markers and pens over the last few weeks to make a very creative artwork from them. Below, you can see the story of their beautiful rainbow! Well done girls on a splendid job both donating and creating! Your unloved markers and pens have found a new greener home. Dorothy and Toto would be proud! ;-)
St. Brigid's girls has always been great supporters of Trócaire and their Lenten campaign each year. 2015 is no different- we even have a giant box inside our front door!
You might not be sure where your money goes after you bring back your box. Rest assured the money you collected from not eating sweets or drinking fizzy drinks goes to a very good home. Trócaire is an Irish aid organisation that does fantastic, charitable work in lots of countries in our world. As we are looking at the theme of Global Citizenship and issues such as Fairtrade and Climate Change, our Trócaire boxes are of special interest to us this year! Click on the Trócaire box to find out more! You will learn about a girl called Mahlet from Ethiopia in Africa. Our class (Ms Ryan's 6th Class) were learning about Fairtrade. We made presentations and went around to all the classes and explained what Fairtrade is. Fairtrade helps the people in developing countries to get a fair wage for the products that they made. There are many products that you can buy with the Fairtrade sign such as fruits, chocolate, tea, coffee and much more they even have clothes but make sure the product has the Fairtrade sign!! Always remember, buy what's fair and show you care!! by Shauna and Katie, Room 14 Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 23rd February to 8th March Check out these links to find out more about this very important issue! www.papapaa.org www.oxfam.org www.fairtrade.ie Why not pop into your local Lidl as they are promoting many Fairtrade products for Fairtrade fortnight! http://www.lidl.ie/en/2732.htm As part of our waste audit, we aimed to cut down our use of paper towels as they created an enormous amount of unnecessary waste in St. Brigid's. After much discussion, the good news is that we have now replaced our paper towels with 'real' towels throughout the school. We will also use jay cloths instead of the paper towels.
Thanks to all who have made this happen! Congratulations to Ellen Murphy who came up with the motto for our Global Citizenship flag.
'We Come Together to Protect the World Forever'. Ms. O'Reilly and Ms. Moore's class have been busy making St. Brigid's crosses out of reused waste paper and empty milk cartons! It was a brilliant way to celebrate St. Brigid's day. They also made daffodils to celebrate the start of Spring! They look great and the girls really enjoyed making them! Well done on all of that recycling girls! By Ruth, Isabelle, Lauren and Maria 6th Class (Green-schools Committee) Top Tip!
Why not use your milk carton as a plant or seed pot? Here is a fun link that shows you how to plant a tree in your carton! It even tells you what your carton is made from! |
AuthorSt. Brigid's Greenschools' Committee Categories