See how Room 14 got on when they reused their Cheerios cereal boxes to make some terrifying Halloween characters!
Click on the image below (if you dare)! : )
![]() Congratulations to Sarah who designed a poster with a catchy ryhme on the 'Value of Electricity'. Sarah won a mug and her poster will feature on the EAI website. ![]() In June 2016, the school entered the City Neighbourhood Competition. We had three judges come to our school to judge the following.
On September 12th we were invited to the award ceremony and guess what???? We came first place. We are now in the final and expecting another visit from the judges any day now. Lets hope all our hard work will pay off. Check back here for updates and read below to find out more of how we look after our school. Guess what insects we have in our school.
Room 9 went on a hunt to find out. Check it out here>>>>>>room-9s-minibeast-hunt.html Well? Did you guess correctly. Can you name all the insects? Check out these photos from Harvest Day. We dug up some rhubarb, courgettes, squash, peas, carrots, tomatoes and many more. Thanks so much to Terri who volunteers a lot of his time to our school garden.
Did you know
A quick reminder- not that anyone needed it ; ) that our current theme is Energy and we are still working towards getting an amaaaaaaazing 7th Green Flag. Our application is almost ready so let's keep working together!
Think of all those ways we can conserve energy every day and help not just our school but also our precious planet Earth. Be the first person to post a reply to this blog and tell us what our current Energy theme motto is to win a prize!!! : ) Welcome back to St. Brigid's for a new green school year! Here is a reminder of all the things we recycle in our school so we can keep working together to make our school and environment a beautiful place to be! Batteries! Ink cartridges! (Just Canon and HP please) Paper and card! Milk cartons! We also compost and now have compost bins on our yard too! At times during the year we hold a fund-raising clothes and textiles collection in school- many thanks to the PA for organising this! Watch out for any upcoming events! Our staff also recycles our old computers and electrical goods where possible. We have also made some improvements to our school grounds over the past while so it is a good opportunity to say a big thanks to all who continually volunteer to make our school grounds looking beautiful. A special mention to Dave and Terry here!
Our railings were painted in cheerful, bright colours which makes a great first impression! Our organic garden continues to thrive as we saw at our recent harvest day! (Newsflash!!! We will soon have a green house to add to the allotment) We now have a beautiful water feature monument in memory of our late, much loved principal Evelyn O' Brien (RIP) The bushes which were becoming a little overgrown outside our reception were cut back and now let in lots of light for plants to thrive! Watch out for an upcoming bug hotel! We also have plans to bring our school pond back to life soon to encourage some aquatic plants and wildlife! Keep an eye out for this work! |
AuthorSt. Brigid's Greenschools' Committee Categories