We kicked off Science Week with a magic trick. The secret lay inside, of all things, a Pampers nappy! We made raisins dance up and down in a mix of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar. We looked at what happens to a cut apple, with and without lemon juice squeezed over it. We explored how a smell fills a room and realised why natural gas has a chemical added to it to make it smell. Finally, we had our blast off moment using only a Vitamin C tablet, its container and some water. The girls in 5th class were delighted to attend a presentation by Italian astronaut, Paolo Nespoli, in DCU as part of Science Week 2015. He was very informative, and we learned a lot about the life of an astronaut and the tough training involved in becoming one. Nespoli was part of the 2007 Space Shuttle Discovery mission, as well as being part of the International Space Station programme in 2010. He is currently training to revisit the ISS in 2017. Our Maths Week trail was great fun! We were busy counting, adding up and looking anywhere and everywhere for different numbers and shapes. The trail took us around the school grounds and finished up in the hall. In our first experiment, we took a look at what happens when you mix soil and water together. We half filled a jar with soil and we added enough water to nearly fill the jar. We then gave it a good stir. We had a talk about what we thought it would look like an hour later. Some of us thought we would see grass, carrots or even white flowers! Some of us thought the soil might sink to the bottom. An hour later, the water was floating on the top and the soil had indeed sunk to the bottom. We recorded and drew our findings and we took some photos of our investigation. We also took a photo of what the soil sample looked like the next day.
Room 9 went on a mini beast hunt to explore insects and their habitats. We found worms, wood lice, spiders, centipedes, slugs and ants. Last week we learned lots about ants. We found out that ants have stingers and that they can carry a 100 times their weight. The queen ant lays eggs under ground and these are called 'grubs'. Grubs grow into worker ants. The workers build the nest and gather food, while the queen goes on laying eggs. The nest may contain over a million ants.
We had great fun learning all about weight this week. We were estimating, comparing and recording weight. The girls in Second Class (Rm. 8) have been very musical of late. They have been busy rehearsing a lovely Irish song, An Dufair, for the upcoming Seachtain na Gaeilge ceolchoirm. They have also been learning to play the tin whistle and wanted to record one of their favourite tunes Hot Cross Buns. Click below to hear how we're doing!
Second class (rm 9) have had a very busy couple of weeks with multicultural week, preparing for our first confession, playing in the snow, raising money for the Caroline Foundation and going on a school tour to The Little Museum of Dublin. Here are some pictures to keep you updated of all our exciting times.
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