We're celebrating Well Being Week this week in St. Brigid's and the focus is on a healthy MIND, BODY AND DIET. Ms. Burke starts each day off with a positive message for the day on the intercom. So far, we've been thinking happy thoughts, passing on Acts of kindness, focusing on being grateful and remembering that we are unique and special. With all of the yoga and meditation in the classrooms, everyone is feeling calmer and more focussed but there are also happy faces everywhere! During our Computer Classes, we've been exploring healthy eating websites and taking part in meditation and yoga exercises from Gonoodle.com. Visit the SPHE section of the learning zone for the links. 5th class created the wordclouds below during their computer lesson after thinking about what Well Being and Mindfulness means to them. We used www.tagul.com Are you enjoying the week? What have been your highlights so far? (Ms. Edwards)
Ten girls from the 5th and 6th classes were chosen to participate in the Dublin's Fittest Schools Competition recently which was held in the IT Blanchardstown sports facility. The girls had been selected from their respective classes based on their fitness levels. On the day of the competition, the girls first listened to a presentation on nutrition, after which they had to answer questions as a team. The day then consisted of a series of games/activities which tested their strength, speed, agility. Lots of fun was had in the Bench Ball games and other cooperative games. Long jump and vertical jump was recorded as well as sprints of 15m in length. St. Brigid's did extremely well in the squatting section. Two girls, Lana and Molly squatted for 27 minutes in total, while Shaunagh managed 30 minutes! She was definitely queen of the squats!! Thanks to the parents who helped out with transport on the day. A great day was had by all. Even though we didn't make it to the final, the girls did themselves and their school proud with a wonderful attitude on the day. The girls in both 5th classes are taking part in the annual Children's Book Awards shadowing process for the next few weeks. They will be reading several books over the next few weeks and discussing and doing activities based on these books. The girls in Room 16 read the book The Day the Crayons Came Home last week and had great fun making and designing their own crayons, as well as writing postcards from the crayons!
It was a proud day for all of us all in St. Brigid's on the 15th of March 2016. At 12 noon we came together as a school to remember the men and women who were involved in the 1916 Rising and to raise our national flag.
Ms. Burke spoke to all of the children and staff about the reason we were celebrating and about the importance of the day. Two 3rd class girls who were celebrating their birthdays -Grace from Room 10 and Abbie from Room 1, raised the flag. Holly from R15 read aloud the special proclamation that was created jointly by Ms. Moran and Ms. Devlin's class. This was most impressive and very relevant to the Ireland we live in today. Then we raised our flag and we sang our National Anthem. A terrific end to a marvellous celebration. A huge well done to all ! |
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